We have a journal which didn’t have DOI set up till now. We set the DOI prefix in Setup->Details and used CrossRef XML Export Plugin to generate xml files from our Issues. Then submitted them manually in CrossRef website with our existing CrossRef account. It came back with error for any single item:
<record_diagnostic status="Failure">
<msg>Invalid handle: 10.xxxx/</msg>
In a successful submission I would get:
<record_diagnostic status="Success">
<msg>Successfully added</msg>
We have other journals which areleady have DOI set up and registered with CrossRef. I kindly need your advice. I believe something is missing in that particular journal. Shall I click Reassign DOIs?
Best Regards
Hi @salehig,
What is your DOI plugin configuration?
I debugged and noticed the DOIs were all in the format “[DOI prefix]/”. They truncate after slash. I hit “Reassign DOI” (which probably I shouldn’t). However I encountered other errors.
It seems it was registered with some other DOIs, but wasn’t strored correctly in OJS database for some reason.
<msg>Record not processed because submitted version: xxxxxxxis less or equal to previously submitted version (DOI match)</msg>
I have contacted CrossRef to give some help.
You have a custom DOI suffix configuration in the DOI plugin?
No. DOI suffix was just the default pattern. Perhaps for the first time DOIs will be like that (prefix/). Therefore reassigning DOIs wasn’t a bad idea.
CrossRef support had to fix journal title for me. They are all registered successfully.
Glad to hear that you solved your problem, but still curious about how your articles received an incomplete DOI.
Thanks for sharing,