References available to reviewers


I have a request that during the review process references should be available to reviewers as well. Now a reviewer can see other article metadata, but not references. Is that possible? Has someone else such a request as well?

Regards, Primož

Hi @primozs,

You’d need to make a fairly straight-forward modification to templates/reviewer/submission.tpl to call on $submission->getCitations().

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi @asmecher

Thank you for the reply, but I am sorry, I am a bit lost…

I believe I have found the part of the code in the templates/reviewer/submission.tpl, that should be it:

       <td class="value">
           <a href="{url op="viewMetadata" path=$reviewId|to_array:$articleId}" class="action" target="_new">{translate key="submission.viewMetadata"}</a>

If I understand correctly, after clicking on the link “METADATA” a new page withe the metadata is opened.

Is my understanding correct?

Unfortunately I can not find the code for that page, the new page with the metadata. Can you help me finding it?

Best regards, Primož

Hi @primozs,

The template for that is generally templates/submission/metadata/metadataView.tpl (for the read-only view), but note that this template is used for all roles, not just reviewers, and changes there will affect others too.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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