Problem with footnotes OJS
I have my reference:
and when i call it in a fn-group like this:
i receive a number 5, on the footnote, i try to put with sup on the fn-group, without label, with other id, without id, but can’t start with the number 1 on the footnote, if i don’t put anything i receive the number 5, its seems doesnt reading the id.
I erase cache on t_compile, t_config and cache with rm *.php and i erase cache and template on the management system, and still continue show me other reference. The error log doesn’t show anything, I have 208 articles with this poblem, they don’t want to migrate yet, can u help me please. Here is the link of one article:
Perspectiva de la población mundial | Urquidi | Estudios Demográficos y Urbanos
the title has * reference an go to the 8, the 1 go 5, 2 go 6, 3 go 7, its have to be 1 go 1, 2 go 2 etc.
Regards, from México.
¡Whatever Help can help me!
@asmecher thanks!