Recover PDF from PKP PN archive

Hi, we are missing the pdf of this article: El rostro del traductor al español del Orlando innamorato: Francisco Garrido de Villena | ENTHYMEMA
The journal joined PKP PN when in OJS2, and the article is in a issue preserved (I checked this, is it possible to obtain the pdf from the PKP PN archive?
Best regards,
Stefano Bolelli Gallevi

I’m not sure if that’s what you mean, but you can download the PDF by clicking this icon:



Hi @WSMH, thank for your hint, but that pdf was added by the editorial team some days ago (I had no advice of the upload, that’s why I considered the article with no galley in previous post).
I opened this question with the aim to reach the PKP PN copy of the original PDF uploaded at the date of the publishing of the article, if possible.
I’m still interested in the possibility to reach original data preserved by PKP PN, do you have any advice on it?
Best regards,

Unfortunately, I don’t know how to do it.


Hi all. The PKP PN is a long-term preservation solution for entire journals’ published contents, and operates at a large scale to preserve any participating OJS journal’s published content. The PKP PN is a dark archive. End users will not have access to the preserved content until after a “trigger event.” The PN isn’t a general-purpose backup solution - the network has been developed to facilitate bulk distributed preservation, not individual item restoration, and we can’t promise to be able to retrieve individual content elements such as galleys from the data store in any sort of timely way. We encourage all OJS users to maintain (and test!) their own independent backup mechanisms.