RecommendOnly not working

Describe the issue or problem
I select section editors can only make recommendations from user roles. When I add Assign Participant, the Recomend Only checkbox is not selected (checked). Similar situation is valid for Permit Metadata checkbox.

What application are you using?
I tested OJS 3.4.0-5 and 3.4.0-4

Hi @peditor,

I think these settings are distinct from one another as the second one can apply to non-section editors, and other participants. It might be that you do have to select it twice, or if you don’t select it, and choose a section editor it may still apply - you could test this out with a test submission to see if the section editor is only capable of recommending.

PKP Team

Hi @rcgillis ,

Thank you for your response. When I tested it, it still doesn’t work. I think it might be a bug.


@peditor thanks for reporting that. As you have correctly observed, the way the application works is not the intended.

We have already filed an issue reporting this bug. See #9864 for a more technical description on what the problem is. Please follow the issue for the related discussion and fixes.

Best Regards.

Thans @Dimitris_Efstathiou,

I will follow the Github issue.


@peditor just informing you that the issue is closed as resolved and the related changes merged.

Thanks for bringing that to our attention.

Dear @Dimitris_Efstathiou

Thank you for your attention. I have tested it and I confirm that it works.

Kind regards,

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