Hi PKP Team,
As expected I have a problem with proxy settings. This time it is about reCaptcha, I configure it with public and private key but when I try to submit page I get error:
Could not open socket
I have modified /lib/pkp/lib/recaptcha/recaptchalib.inc.php
to use proxy server but I think that it should be defined to use global 'config.inc.php` configuration
38 define("PROXY_HOST", "proxy.uns.ac.rs");
39 define("PROXY_PORT", "8080");
40 define("USE_PROXY", 'true');
83 if( false == ( $fs = @fsockopen(PROXY_HOST, PROXY_PORT, $errno, $errstr, 10) ) ) {
This method isn’t working, I don’t get socket error, but no matter what you type in recaptcha you get error
Errors occurred processing this form:
The characters you entered did not match the characters in the image. Please check the characters and try again.
Hi @knjigor,
I’d suggest investigating the calls to the ReCaptcha library. This is implemented in lib/pkp/classes/form/validation/FormValidatorReCaptcha.inc.php
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I have looked at lib/pkp/classes/form/validation/FormValidatorReCaptcha.inc.php
but couldn’t find any thing that would be related to proxy settings, as I can see file calls lib.pkp.lib.recaptcha.recaptchalib
for connection to server.
Hi @knjigor,
If ReCaptcha supported configuring the connection to use a proxy, that’s where it would make the most sense to do it.
However, I haven’t looked at whether ReCaptcha offers that support, and a quick Google turns up at least one indication that it doesn’t. Have you seen this?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I have finally found some time to take a look on this.
I have looked at http://www.elifulkerson.com/projects/recaptcha-proxy-server-patch.php and found that this modification works, but I have modified file lib/pkp/classes/form/validation/FormValidatorReCaptcha.inc.php
not lib/pkp/classes/form/validation/FormValidatorReCaptcha.inc.php
I have just pasted provided file because I didn’t have time at the moment to check code line by line, but I will investigate it in next days.
Thanx for help