Did someone is noticing slow loading of the entries in the system after the upgrade to 3.2.0?
Comparing to before it is quite visible, some pages like Submissions or “All active” take like a minute to load the entries in it.
Did someone is noticing slow loading of the entries in the system after the upgrade to 3.2.0?
Comparing to before it is quite visible, some pages like Submissions or “All active” take like a minute to load the entries in it.
Hi @vebaev,
How many submissions, in total, are in your system?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
About 50 active and 200 archived, before the upgrade it was very fast, like instantly!
Hi @vebaev,
Would you be able to set up the MySQL slow query log to watch for unusually expensive queries?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Strange they told me that there is no suspicious entries in the db log.
Also noticed that User Profile - Contacts is empty and affiliation cannot be filled:
Hi @vebaev,
The slow query log is something you’d need to specifically configure/enable; it’s usually not turned on.
For the user profile link, check the PHP error log for details; failing that, check the browser’s error console.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
We have reverted the backup to 3.1.2-4 now everything back to normal speed as usual.
Hi @vebaev,
That’s understandable, but I’d like to identify/fix a bug here if possible – would you be willing to investigate this a little further?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Yes but keep in mind i have to forward your questions to our admins as i do not have access to systems, im just the editor of the journal
Hi @vebaev,
If you’re willing to share a database dump of the 3.2.0-1 upgrade that was performing badly, I can investigate it here. If so, send me a PM.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I will ask our admin.
I am experiencing the same problem. And have noticed that submissions loading time has considerably increased.
Clicking on the User > Dashboard: Took 11 Seconds to load submission page
Clicking on individual submission: took 10 seconds to load the details of submission.
If you would like to investigate, I can export my sql database from phpmyadmin and send it you for investigation.
I will watch the topic please update if any news
Hi @seisense,
Yes, please PM me a copy of your database (anonymized as necessary) and I’ll see if it behaves the same here.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
Please guide me how to send you a PM. Sorry for my little knowledge.
Hi @seisense,
Click on my username in this thread, and use the “Message” button. (PM is short for “private message”.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
Waiting for your reply.
@asmecher Hi Alec, we observe the same behavior after upgrading to OJS 3.2.1-1
The submissions page takes about 10 seconds to load (there are about 40 active submissions and 360 in the archive), every time one clicks on Submissions. It looks like the data is not cached in the AJAX call. This is a fresh install, all plugins should be recent, only the DB was upgraded using tools/upgrade.php
Must some PHP parameters for caching be optimized?
Hi @mpbraendle,
Would you be willing/able to send me a database dump (privately) for me to test with? It’s probably a missing index or similar.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Yes, can do so. On the weekend.