Good Morning
I have the OJS version I entered the articles of a magazine with the quicksubmit module. I checked that each article was correctly assigned to the magazine number, I checked the preview and everything was ok. But when I published the magazine it only showed me half of the articles. I looked back at the number of articles assigned to the magazine and only 3 are seen, but it says it has 12 items. What can happen? Can someone help me? Thanks! I am new, the page is still in production, it is not accessible to the public.
Hello @mariana.rapoport,
The version of OJS that you’re using is no longer supported by PKP. I recommend that you upgrade to the newest version of OJS, as it is possible that your issue will be resolved by upgrading. However, other community members may wish to offer assistance.
Upgrading instructions are available in the PKP Administrator’s Guide.
Information about the latest version of OJS can be found on the [PKP Website]
PKP Team
Thank you very much for your reply. I was looking a little more and found that those articles that were not published appeared as scheduled to be published in the journal, but they were not published! I had to unschedule them, assign them the journal number again and publish them. I’m going to check with the programmer about the version. Thanks again!