Hi everyone,
we are using the QuickSubmitPlugin in OJS to publish an archive of journal. All necessary back issues have been created. We use the QuickSubmit form to enter the article data and encounter a bug with the publication date of the articles on a regular basis. In the QuickSubmit form we select that it is an already published article, choose the right issue and enter the publication date (see screenhot)

But when everything is done and we check the article page we often see a different (newer) publication date for the article (see screenshot):

Altough we originally enterd 2004-04-15 the article page shows 2019-01-31. I dont know why he uses 2019-01-31? We can easily modify the date in the submission and then everything is fine. But we still have some articles to upload.
The bug is not reproducible all the time. Some articles work fine as you except them. But others have the bug. I currently cannot determine the difference between them. Please let me know if you need additional details.
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Hi @florianruckelshausen,
Have you altered the date formats in config.inc.php
from the defaults?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
We have not altered the date formats. Here is the section from config.inc.php
; Short and long date formats
date_format_trunc = "%m-%d"
date_format_short = "%Y-%m-%d"
date_format_long = "%B %e, %Y"
datetime_format_short = "%Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p"
datetime_format_long = "%B %e, %Y - %I:%M %p"
time_format = "%I:%M %p"
Our student assistant noticed that the problem seems to be connected to how you enter the date in QuickSubmit form. You can enter the date manually or using the calender. Entering the date manually seems to work fine but using the calender to select the date seems to cause the error.
Hi @florianruckelshausen,
Entering the date manually seems to work fine but using the calender to select the date seems to cause the error.
Thanks, that’s helpful. I ran a quick check and replicated the behavior you’re describing with OJS 3.1.1, but OJS 3.1.2 already appears to behave better (there have been one or two tweaks to date inputs that may have fixed this issue as a side-effect). Are you in a position to upgrade? (FYI, we’ll be releasing OJS/OMP 3.1.2-1 this week.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team