QuickSubmit Plugin bug: The current role does not have access to this operation

I have recently noticed a problem when articles are published with QuickSubmit then unpublished and republished. In these cases, the PDF from the article landing page displays fine, but if I click on the PDF from the Galleys on the Submissions → Publication page, the following error message displays:

{“status”:false,“content”:“The current role does not have access to this operation.”,“elementId”:“0”,“events”:null}.

If the article was not unpublished and republished, this problem does not arise.

We are using OJS and QuickSubmit version 1.0.6-1.

@rcgillis another problem with submissions when republishing them.

Hi @Ramfra
I’ve the same case. I temporarily solved it by assigning to Editor reviewer rol.

Hi @dagosalas
Do you mean before the article is uploaded via QuickSubmit?

It doesn’t really matter. Add that role to the editor and try it out and let us know.

It seems to work if I add the Reviewer role before uploading a PDF but ntot if the PDF had already been uploaded. Thanks for the tip!