Quick submit plugin installation

Hi all,
so I’ve just installed the latest stable release of OJS 3 on our windows server 2012 R2 with IIS. Everything went smooth during installation and works as expected except the fact that I can not install any plugin at all.
The problem is in the tar archiver. I understand that the default settings for tar archiver inside the config.inc.php is set for linux based servers (/bin/tar). So I installed WinRar on our windows server and I set the installation path of WinRar for the tar archiver inside the config.inc.php file. Afterwards I tried to install quick submit plugin but I got no response and when I reloaded the page i got notiffication from the system telling me to update tar archiver inside the config.inc.php file. I’ve attached the screenshot of the whole situation down below. Thank you in advance for any help or further info because I’m really in the blue here.


Best regards,

Matus Muransky.

Hi @Matus_Muransky,

You will want to check with your system administrator or hosting provider regarding the correct system path to the tar command. You will then want to update this path in config.inc.php.

Kind Regards,
Patricia M.
Public Knowledge Project Team

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Hi @pmangahis,

well the thing is I had installed the tar archiver on Windows server 2012 R2 myself. And I updated the path inside the config.inc.php file as well. I also tried typing it with and without quotation marks since I figured windows might need it. Nothing worked. What I’m looking for is advice from someone who have successfully deployed OJS on windows server in the past. Because I have no idea what I’m doing wrong here.

Best regards,


I haven’t installed OJS on Windows, but from the image you posted originally I can see you have used C:\ Program Files\WinRaR as the tar path …

In Linux, tar points to the tar executable, not the folder that contains it … so maybe you want to add winrar.exe (if that is the name of winrar’s executable) at the end.