Is there quick submit plugin for OJS 3.0?
I read this on developement plan page :
OJS 3.0.1 – November 25, 2016
This minor release will include:
You can read more on on
Hi @pir,
We are just finishing up OJS 3.0.1 for release and one of the pieces that’s still in progress is the QuickSubimt plugin. However, even if it doesn’t make the 3.0.1 release package, it’ll be available shortly afterward through the Plugin Gallery. It’s just undergoing code review and some final polish.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Where is the plugin gallery?
Go to Settings and you will find it there.
Thanks. Do you know if any plugins are available? I tried searching the Plugin gallery and am not receiving any results. I tried not entering anything and click search, and still no results.
Does anyone know when the Quick Submit plugin will be available?
It should be in OJS 3.0.1 version. It is not present in OJS 3.0
Hi @vvucic/all,
We are still finishing off a few details. It’s currently a work in progress at and will be available via the plugin gallery shortly after it’s finished.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Is there anything at all available in the Plugin Gallery? I try searching it and nothing appears (I realize the Quick Submit plugin won’t be there yet). Thanks
Hi @jaskoog,
Not yet – but it’s high on my to-do list. Watch for e.g. the translator plugin and a few others to show up soon.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi, will this work on OJS 3.0 or upgrade to 3.0.1 is mandatory?
hai @asmecher when quick submit plugin available in the Plugin Gallery? because i need that plugin. thanks.
Hi @ceperlan,
We will add it to the Plugin Gallery when it is complete (available in your OJS installation). In the meantime, it’s close to finished and you’re welcome to try it out in its current form in the link above.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Can you tell me how to try install quick submit plugin in my ojs installation.
I’ve Followed his instructions but in my journal not work.
when i click link quickSubmit not work. why?
Have you read @bozana suggestion in this thread?
It works for me.
Hello, I followed the instruction to install quickSubmitplugin, but it gaves me an error when I clicked "upload ".
Please help!
Hi @Ptran,
Check your PHP error log; it may contain details.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team