I was wondering if there is any plugin in place to export to PubMedCentral.
ps we are using OJS 3.0 to publish our journal
I was wondering if there is any plugin in place to export to PubMedCentral.
ps we are using OJS 3.0 to publish our journal
I am not sure for the version 3.0, but the plugin should be under Tools-Import/Export:
PubMed XML Export Plugin: Export article metadata in PubMed XML format for indexing in MEDLINE.
I have seen it in all versions I came across, so I am quite sure it should be there.
Regards, PrimoĹľ
PubMed Central accepts articles’ full text in NISO JATS format. There is some relevant information in this article about conversion to this format: https://revistes.uab.cat/web/sites/default/files/documents/2019-pkp-jats.pdf
Hi @primozs, thank you for your reply. I am actually looking for ways to deposit to PubMedCentral and not PubMed. PMC wants full text articles.
Hi @Vitaliy and thank you for your reply and the documentation. I will read it carefully. Best regards
Hi All - I know this thread hasn’t been replied to for quite some time, but I was wondering if there has been any advancements in being able to publish to Pubmed Central? It is something I am particularly interested in and would appreciate any advice I can get.
Many thanks in advance,
Hi All - further to my last post, I have been trying to export initially using the Pubmed Export Plugin but do really need the full-text of the articles to export to PMC.
There appears to be a problem with the Pubmed Export Plugin - when I attempt to export any articles I get the following XML validation errors:
Element Journal content does not follow the DTD, expecting (PublisherName , JournalTitle , Issn , Volume? , Issue? , PubDate), got (PublisherName JournalTitle Issn)
The problem here is that the XML is valid when I run it through a validator. Can anyone see a way for the plugin to export without throwing these errors, or is there something I can do with the content of my articles that would in some way fix this?
The missing Volume and Issue values, I was sure they were set and these articles do belong to both.
Hi @Ant_Forshaw, what version of OJS are you using when you encounter this error? Can you confirm that the articles you are trying to export are published and have a “Date Published” in the article metadata?
Hi Kaitlin,
Thanks for your reply. I am using OJS version
What I did notice - the first time I ran the export, I only selected articles that weren’t included in an issue and this produced the error. When I exported issues instead of articles, there were no errors because the missing fields were filled.
This error may be a false alarm
Hi @Ant_Forshaw, it sounds like you may have been trying to export articles that weren’t published, so this behaviour is expected - you’ll want to make sure any articles you export have been published first and have all of the required metadata, otherwise they won’t pass validation and likely wouldn’t be eligible for submission to PMC.