I am new to OJS and new to the forum, thanks for having me. I have a couple of questions, I hope you don´t mind. If I should put them in different posts please let me know.
Is it possible to publish an article in OJS without assigning a DOI, even if the Crossref plugin is activated? Do you know of any workaround in OJS in case it isn´t? We would like to use OJS for both, publications with and withour DOI.
In relation to that: are there publication types (e.g. research data) for which no DOI is assigned or does any primary publication, regardless its content, receive a DOI?
Would you use OJS for primary publication types other than articles in the first place or do you know of any examples?
For the test instance we use 3.3.0-14, prod will be 3.3.0-15.
To answer your first question: Yes, this is possible. We do this for a journal that has both scientific content (which gets a DOI) and community content (which gets none).
In OJS, you can assign DOIs on individual basis per article (or item) published.
How does this work? Do you only check those articles in the Crossref-Plugin dedicated for DOI-assignment and leave the others unchecked (sorry, likely bad English…)? I guess you don´t automate the process right?
Could you maybe give me the link to your journal?
Thanks again.
I will post the other questions in a different topic.
Speaking for OJS 3.3 LTS (it is different in OJS 3.4):
Usually, the DOI is assigned in the Identifiers menu of the submission (publication tab). So, if you don’t click the Assign button, the field is just empty and no DOI is registered.
The central DOI settings are defined in the DOI plugin.
The Crossref plugin is just for communication with Crossref (depositing and updating the metadata, registering the DOI).
See a current issue of https://www.chimia.ch/, where the Editorial or the Community News have no DOIs assigned.