Hi guys,
I’m using OJS
The pdfs of the articles can’t be downloaded or viewed any longer
can any one help please?
Please let us know what has recently changed on your system, what (if any) error messages you see in your server logs, and what response the server gives when you try to view or download an pdf.
the files were moved to a different hosting server.
It doesn’t bring any errors. It only opens a blank page.
A blank page is indicative of a PHP error. See this FAQ entry:
Given the move of the server, my first guess would be file permissions or the config.inc.php setting of the files
Your webserver error log will tell you more.
Hello ctgraham,
I tried to make the changes but couldn’t locate the next line in the index page :
This is the index.php mentioned in the troubleshoot
* @mainpage OJS API Reference
* Welcome to the OJS API Reference. This resource contains documentation
* generated automatically from the OJS source code.
* The design of Open %Journal Systems 2.x is heavily structured for
* maintainability, flexibility and robustness. For this reason it may seem
* complex when first approached. Those familiar with Sun's Enterprise Java
* Beans technology or the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern will note many
* similarities.
* As in a MVC structure, data storage and representation, user interface
* presentation, and control are separated into different layers. The major
* categories, roughly ordered from "front-end" to "back-end," follow:
* - Smarty templates, which are responsible for assembling HTML pages to
* display to users;
* - Page classes, which receive requests from users' web browsers, delegate
* any required processing to various other classes, and call up the
* appropriate Smarty template to generate a response;
* - Action classes, which are used by the Page classes to perform non-trivial
* processing of user requests;
* - Model classes, which implement PHP objects representing the system's
* various entities, such as Users, Articles, and Journals;
* - Data Access Objects (DAOs), which generally provide (amongst others)
* update, create, and delete functions for their associated Model classes,
* are responsible for all database interaction;
* - Support classes, which provide core functionalities, miscellaneous common
* As the system makes use of inheritance and has consistent class naming
* conventions, it is generally easy to tell what category a particular class
* falls into.
* For example, a Data Access Object class always inherits from the DAO class,
* has a Class name of the form [Something]%DAO, and has a filename of the form
* [Something]%DAO.inc.php.
* To learn more about developing OJS, there are several additional resources
* that may be useful:
* - The docs/README document
* - The PKP support forum at http://forum.pkp.sfu.ca
* - The technical reference (and other documents), available at
* http://pkp.sfu.ca/ojs_documentation
* @file index.php
* Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Simon Fraser University Library
* Copyright (c) 2003-2015 John Willinsky
* Distributed under the GNU GPL v2. For full terms see the file docs/COPYING.
* @ingroup index
* Bootstrap code for OJS site. Loads required files and then calls the
* dispatcher to delegate to the appropriate request handler.
// Initialize global environment
// Serve the request
$application =& PKPApplication::getApplication();
this is the second troubleshoot
* @file includes/functions.inc.php
* Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Simon Fraser University Library
* Copyright (c) 2000-2015 John Willinsky
* Distributed under the GNU GPL v2. For full terms see the file docs/COPYING.
* @ingroup index
* @brief Contains definitions for common functions used system-wide.
* Any frequently-used functions that cannot be put into an
appropriate class should be added here.
* Emulate a Java-style import statement.
* Simply includes the associated PHP file (using require_once so
multiple calls to include the same file have no effect).
* @param $class string the complete name of the class to be imported
(e.g. 'lib.pkp.classes.core.Core')
if (!function_exists('import')) {
function import($class) {
static $deprecationWarning = null;
// Try to bypass include path for best performance
$filePath = str_replace('.', '/', $class) . '.inc.php';
if (file_exists(BASE_SYS_DIR.'/'.$filePath)) {
include_once BASE_SYS_DIR.'/'.$filePath;
} else {
// Oops, we found a legacy include statement,
// let's try the include path then.
if (is_null($deprecationWarning) && class_exists('Config')) {
$deprecationWarning = (boolean)Config::getVar('debug',
if ($deprecationWarning) trigger_error('Deprecated import of a
partially qualified class name.');
if (!function_exists('file_get_contents')) {
// For PHP < 4.3.0
function file_get_contents($file) {
return join('', file($file));
if (!function_exists('stream_get_contents')) {
function stream_get_contents($fp) {
if (!function_exists('array_combine')) {
// For PHP 4
function array_combine($keys, $values) {
if (count($keys) != count($values)) return false;
if (empty($keys)) return false;
$out = array();
while(count($keys)) {
$key = array_shift($keys);
$value = array_shift($values);
if (!is_integer($key) && !is_string($key)) $key = (string) $key;
$out[$key] = $value;
return $out;
* Wrapper around die() to pretty-print an error message with an
optional stack trace.
function fatalError($reason) {
// Because this method may be called when checking the value of the
// configuration string, we need to ensure that we don't get stuck in
an infinite loop.
static $isErrorCondition = null;
static $showStackTrace = false;
if ($isErrorCondition === null) {
$isErrorCondition = true;
$showStackTrace = Config::getVar('debug', 'show_stacktrace');
$isErrorCondition = false;
echo "<h1>$reason</h1>";
if ($showStackTrace && checkPhpVersion('4.3.0')) {
echo "<h4>Stack Trace:</h4>\n";
$trace = debug_backtrace();
// Remove the call to fatalError from the call trace.
// Back-trace pretty-printer adapted from the following URL:
// http://ca3.php.net/manual/en/function.debug-backtrace.php
// Thanks to diz at ysagoon dot com
// FIXME: Is there any way to localize this when the localization
// functions may have caused the failure in the first place?
foreach ($trace as $bt) {
$args = '';
if (isset($bt['args'])) foreach ($bt['args'] as $a) {
if (!empty($args)) {
$args .= ', ';
switch (gettype($a)) {
case 'integer':
case 'double':
$args .= $a;
case 'string':
$a = htmlspecialchars(substr($a, 0, 64)).((strlen($a) > 64) ? '...' : '');
$args .= "\"$a\"";
case 'array':
$args .= 'Array('.count($a).')';
case 'object':
$args .= 'Object('.get_class($a).')';
case 'resource':
$args .= 'Resource('.strstr($a, '#').')';
case 'boolean':
$args .= $a ? 'True' : 'False';
case 'NULL':
$args .= 'Null';
$args .= 'Unknown';
$class = isset($bt['class'])?$bt['class']:'';
$type = isset($bt['type'])?$bt['type']:'';
$function = isset($bt['function'])?$bt['function']:'';
$file = isset($bt['file'])?$bt['file']:'(unknown)';
$line = isset($bt['line'])?$bt['line']:'(unknown)';
echo "<strong>File:</strong> {$file} line {$line}<br />\n";
echo "<strong>Function:</strong> {$class}{$type}{$function}($args)<br />\n";
echo "<br/>\n";
// Determine the application name. Use defensive code so that we
// can handle errors during early application initialization.
$application = null;
if (class_exists('Registry')) {
$application = Registry::get('application', true, null);
$applicationName = '';
if (!is_null($application)) {
$applicationName = $application->getName().': ';
if (defined('DONT_DIE_ON_ERROR') && DONT_DIE_ON_ERROR == true) {
// trigger an error to be catched outside the application
* Check to see if the server meets a minimum version requirement for PHP.
* @param $version Name of version (see version_compare documentation)
* @return boolean
function checkPhpVersion($version) {
return (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, $version) !== -1);
* Create a PHP4/5 compatible shallow
* copy of the given object.
* @param $object object
* @return object the cloned object
function &cloneObject(&$object) {
if (checkPhpVersion('5.0.0')) {
// We use the PHP5 clone() syntax so that PHP4 doesn't
// raise a parse error.
$clonedObject = clone($object);
} else {
// PHP4 always clones objects on assignment
$clonedObject = $object;
return $clonedObject;
* Instantiates an object for a given fully qualified
* class name after executing several checks on the class.
* The checks prevent certain vulnerabilities when
* instantiating classes generically.
* NB: We currently only support one constructor
* argument. If we need arbitrary arguments later
* we can do that via func_get_args() which allows us
* to handle an arbitrary number of optional
* constructor arguments. The $constructorArg
* parameter needs to be last in the parameter list
* to be forward compatible with this potential use
* case.
* @param $fullyQualifiedClassName string
* @param $expectedTypes string|array the class
* must conform to at least one of the given types.
* @param $expectedPackages string|array the class
* must be part of at least one of the given packages.
* @param $expectedMethods string|array names of methods
* that must all be present for the requested class.
* @param $constructorArg mixed constructor argument
* @return object|boolean the instantiated object or false
* if the class instantiation didn't result in the expected
* type.
function &instantiate($fullyQualifiedClassName, $expectedTypes = null,
$expectedPackages = null, $expectedMethods = null, $constructorArg =
null) {
$errorFlag = false;
// Validate the class name
if (!String::regexp_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9.]+$/', $fullyQualifiedClassName)) {
return $errorFlag;
// Validate the class package
if (!is_null($expectedPackages)) {
if (is_scalar($expectedPackages)) $expectedPackages =
$validPackage = false;
foreach ($expectedPackages as $expectedPackage) {
// No need to use String class here as class names are always US-ASCII
if (substr($fullyQualifiedClassName, 0, strlen($expectedPackage)+1)
== $expectedPackage.'.') {
$validPackage = true;
// Raise a fatal error if the class does not belong
// to any of the expected packages. This is to prevent
// certain types of code inclusion attacks.
if (!$validPackage) {
// Construct meaningful error message.
$expectedPackageCount = count($expectedPackages);
$separator = '';
foreach($expectedPackages as $expectedPackageIndex => $expectedPackage) {
if ($expectedPackageIndex > 0) {
$separator = ($expectedPackageIndex == $expectedPackageCount-1 ?
' or ' : ', ' );
$expectedPackageString .= $separator.'"'.$expectedPackage.'"';
fatalError('Trying to instantiate class
"'.$fullyQualifiedClassName.'" which is not in any of the expected
packages '.$expectedPackageString.'.');
// Import the requested class
// Identify the class name
$fullyQualifiedClassNameParts = explode('.', $fullyQualifiedClassName);
$className = array_pop($fullyQualifiedClassNameParts);
// Type check I: The requested class should be declared by now.
if (!class_exists($className)) {
fatalError('Cannot instantiate class. Class "'.$className.'" is not
declared in "'.$fullyQualifiedClassName.'".');
// Check that the expected operation exists for the class.
if (!is_null($expectedMethods)) {
if (is_scalar($expectedMethods)) $expectedMethods = array($expectedMethods);
// Lower case comparison for PHP4 compatibility.
// We don't need the String class here as method names are
// always US-ASCII.
$declaredMethods = array_map('strtolower_codesafe',
foreach($expectedMethods as $expectedMethod) {
$requiredMethod = strtolower_codesafe($expectedMethod);
if (!in_array($requiredMethod, $declaredMethods)) {
return $errorFlag;
// Instantiate the requested class
if (is_null($constructorArg)) {
$classInstance = new $className();
} else {
$classInstance = new $className($constructorArg);
// Type check II: The object must conform to the given interface (if any).
if (!is_null($expectedTypes)) {
if (is_scalar($expectedTypes)) $expectedTypes = array($expectedTypes);
$validType = false;
foreach($expectedTypes as $expectedType) {
if (is_a($classInstance, $expectedType)) {
$validType = true;
if (!$validType) return $errorFlag;
return $classInstance;
* Remove empty elements from an array
* @param $array array
* @return array
function arrayClean(&$array) {
if (!is_array($array)) return null;
return array_filter($array, create_function('$o', 'return !empty($o);'));
* Recursively strip HTML from a (multidimensional) array.
* @param $values array
* @return array the cleansed array
function stripAssocArray($values) {
foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
if (is_scalar($value)) {
$values[$key] = strip_tags($values[$key]);
} else {
$values[$key] = stripAssocArray($values[$key]);
return $values;
* Perform a code-safe strtolower, i.e. one that doesn't behave differently
* based on different locales. (tr_TR, I'm looking at you.)
* @param $str string Input string
* @return string
function strtolower_codesafe($str) {
return strtr($str, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz');
Please what do I do?
Editing the index.php to add the ini_set('display_errors', E_ALL);
should only be done for advanced troubleshooting. Start with the section before the “Further troubleshooting” section:
Usually, this indicates that a PHP error has occurred and the message has been sent to your web server or system log file. Check there – e.g. /var/log/apache/error.log, although the exact location will depend on your server configuration – for further details.
If you haven’t installed OJS yet, then the most likely cause is a problem with file permissions in your cache/ or cache/t_compile directories. See docs/README for information on file permissions.
What errors, do you find in your webserver’s error log? Have you confirmed the file permissions per docs/README?
If you have done both of these steps, and if you believe errors are being suppressed from your webserver’s error log by PHP’s configuration, you can add the suggested ini_set('display_errors', E_ALL);
on the second line of index.php, right after the <?php