Publications Coordinator Position Available - OJS Experience Wanted

The Linguistic Society of America, a scholarly publisher, is seeking a Publications Coordinator with experience using OJS. See the announcement here, or a summary below.

Overview: Manages the administrative and technical aspects of the LSA’s publishing program.

Primary Responsibilities:

Performs the role of Journal Manager for all publications utilizing Open Journal Systems (OJS) software. •
Provides training and orientation to incoming and continuing editorial personnel in the use of OJS and other systems for carrying out the editorial workflow. •
Advises the LSA on the best tools and services for managing its publishing objectives, providing comparative analyses and cost estimates where appropriate. •
Maintains the online publications sites hosted by the LSA. • Works closely with editorial personnel to ensure all publications are operating at optimal efficiency; responds to requests for technical support from authors, editors and referees. •
Supervises the work of any vendors hired to perform custom development of any online publications sites hosted by the LSA. • Manages communications with the LSA’s publishing partners and vendors.