** Publication Facts Label Installation Problem**
Being an admin, version, (shared hosting) when I upload the PFL plugin I am getting this error “Failed Ajax request or invalid JSON returned.” and name of the plugin seems like “##plugins.generic.pfl.displayName##”.
How to resolve this issue?
Thank you
Sushilk, I’m afraid that the Publication Facts Label, for this initial trial run, works only on OJS Version 3.3X. Once the trial is completed over the next 3 months or so, we will be releasing the plugin for later OJS versions. Thanks for the interest and stay tuned.
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Thank you Prof. Willinsky for this kind gesture…
With Kind Regards
Sushil K
Assuming that the trial run has been completed and we can use the plugin now.
We are using and have followed the instructions but the info is not showing. Any thoughts?