Hello, The journal we are setting in OJS does contain articles which do have DOI and UDC. IS there any option to have field to enter UDC besides DOI?
Hello, The journal we are setting in OJS does contain articles which do have DOI and UDC. IS there any option to have field to enter UDC besides DOI?
By “UDC”, do you mean a Universal Decimal Classification? If so, this is different than a public identifier. It would be similar to an article’s subject classification.
The Public Identifiers should uniquely identify the article.
For a classification scheme, you would want to consider enabling this as the Subject Classification in Journal Setup, Step 3.4 “For Authors to Index Their Work”.
Do you think that wee should as subject put UDC number which will describe classification according to UDC?
If you want to just use the existing functionality, then yes. Enable and enter the subject classification name and classification root URL in the Setup, the Authors and Editors can enter the UDC number(s) in the metadata.
This might also be a good case for a plugin or code modification where similar functionality could go beyond just displaying the numbers and actually be able to display and search the number and classification name.
As far as I see you provided image/screenshot from OJS 2.4.X. but I use OJS 3.0. I agree that it might be useful to make option to place UDC in metadata by authors and editors.
I do not see explicit subject classification part. However, there is option to put SUbject in metadata. Should I use that filed for UDC?
In OJS 3.x, this setting is simplified and exists under Settings → Workflow → Submissions. It no longer references the suggested taxonomy.
What is your objective in classifying the articles with UDC? Are you hoping for this to be exposed via Linked Data? Are you hoping for this to be exposed in Dublin Core via OAI? Are you hoping for this to be exposed in the Highwire Press metadata tags in the HTML?
The ultimate use of this metadata will best determine how to enter it, and whether or not new functionality will be needed.
Editorial boards here assign to each article UDC. SO, my idea is to find proper place in OJS 3.0 to publish that UDC. I guess that Linked daata and/or Dublin Core would be the most appropriate. But, any option of entering UDC in metadata will suit our needs.
To expose the UDC via Linked Data in the article’s abstract would best be implemented as a plugin. Simply entering the UDCs as Subjects or Disciplines in OJS3 will expose them via the Dublin Core metadata. I see that Dublin Core includes UDC as a recommended vocabulary encoding scheme
OK. Thanks a lot for clairfying this issue.