The reason for my query is that I want to include in my OJS the OAI-PMH protocol to be able to add my articles in Google Scholar. Could you tell me which plugin or what steps should I take?
Thank you and I look forward to your help.
The reason for my query is that I want to include in my OJS the OAI-PMH protocol to be able to add my articles in Google Scholar. Could you tell me which plugin or what steps should I take?
Thank you and I look forward to your help.
Hi @gardbeat,
You can enable your OAI interface in Settings > Distribution > Access. However, I am not aware of whether Google Scholar uses this or not.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
I saw this link where they spoke: https://jasolutions.com.co/calidad-editorial/corregir-fecha-publicacion-ediciones-ojs/
Can someone tell me if with OAI-PMH, Google Schoolar articles will recognize me.
I’m pretty lost in this situation and I would appreciate your help. Since Google Schoolar, it is not supported.
Hi @gardbeat,
Google Scholar would need to confirm to be certain, but I don’t believe they use OAI-PMH. There is a Google Scholar plugin within OJS, and as long as that is enabled, Google Scholar should find and index your journal eventually. I’m afraid I can’t tell you more than that.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
No, GS does not use OAI-PMH for fetching articles.It is their GoogleBot (either the standard or the mobile web bot) that fetches the web pages, and depending on the meta tags in them, pages are being classified to be indexed in Google Scholar or not. OJS enables the Highwire Press tags if the Google Scholar plugin is enabled.
If you want that or pages are indexed faster by Google and Google Scholar, you may do the following:
See also Google Scholar Indexing for further help.
Hi @asmecher and @mpbraendle.
What is the name of this Google Schoolar plugin in OJS? Why can’t I find it installed.
Google Scholar Indexing Plugin - it is part of the generic plugins.
Hi @mpbraendle,
I just looked at it and I had it activated.
Therefore, they cannot be indexed in google schoolar, since I search in their search engine and none have been indexed.
Do you know what could be due to?
I have found a contact from Google Schoolar, I am going to write to him, to see if it may be due to an incompatibility with OJS 3.2.1.
If you answer me, I will leave your help here. Very kind!
See my first comment above and do as described there. And be patient, it takes some time (usually days).
Hi @mpbraendle,
After talking to Google Scholar support, they have already told me why it was not indexing.
I needed to add a Google Schoolar DNS so that the bots could the articles and sitemap.
Hi @asmecher,
Could you tell me where is the location of the Google Scholar plugin for OJS I have searched in Plugin Management, but I haven’t found yet
Hi @eddhie,
In OJS 2.x, Google Scholar meta tags are supported directly in the templates; there is no Google Scholar plugin (and no need for one). However, OJS 2.x is getting quite old and I’d recommend upgrading to OJS 3.x at some point.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher
Thank you for your information.
I have been looking for information about the Google Scholar process. Our articles are not indexing.
I would like to know, if possible, how I can do to include the Google Scholar DNS on our website.
Thank you very much in advance.
Natalino Filho
First of all, I recommend that you follow these steps to see if it meets all the necessary settings: Google Scholar Indexing
Hello gardbeat
Yes, we followed the steps indicated in the guide, however, we still do not have our articles indexed. We have already updated the OJS and the plugin is activated (5 months). The meta tags are being generated on the magazine’s page, however, they are not found by the Google bot. So we asked about the DNS DNS configuration, because it was the answer to the problem that was presented. So, I would like to check the possibility of informing us about the Goolge DNS configuration.
We thank you for the collaboration.
If you have checked and all the guide is correctly configured in your OJS. I recommend that you get in touch at the following e-mail: mwestin@google.com
This is a Scholar worker, who can perform an indexing test and can indicate the problems that are happening.
Emphasize that your website is based on OJS.
Hi @gardbeat ,
Thank you for the information. We have already sent an email to Mônica and we are waiting for information, as they are in a large project.
However, you could tell us how you solved your situation, as, as stated in a post above “I needed to add a Google Schoolar DNS so that the bots could the articles and sitemap.”
How was that done? We don’t have the Google DNS added.
Please, we will be very grateful for the collaboration. We have already carried out all the possible activities indicated here on the forum and on the Scholar website.
A big hug, see you later.