Problems with system upgrade from

Continuing the topic Upgrade to OJS 3.4.0-5

I am trying to upgrade from to
I don’t understand the last reply from the previous topic “Have you attempted to upgrade by dropping the new code in over top of the old code?”

I just downloaded the latest version from ojs website and continued following the instructions. I don’t understand that there are wrong versions of plugins. These should be copied from the source file ojs-3.4.0-5.tar.gz?

Thank you for your patience

And for record, we have PHP Version 8.0.30 and php-mbstring, php-intl, php-xml enabled

Hi @skupa,

The issue from the other thread is that your installation appears to have several plugins in it that are not compatible with OJS 3.4.0. Incompatible plugins shouldn’t be present during upgrade.

Which upgrade instructions did you follow? If you provide a link, I might be able to point out the problem step.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi @asmecher ,
I follow these instructions: How to Upgrade (
Should I delete all plugins?

Hi @skupa,

In the 8. Install Release Package step, you should be moving your old code to a backup location, then unpacking the .tar.gz package into a clean directory. Thus any previously installed plugins (plugins/generic/usageStats, plugins/importexport/quickSubmit) shouldn’t be in your new codebase. I think that’s the step you’re missing.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thank you, @asmecher !
I skipped this step :man_facepalming: Sorry and thanks a lot.
Now i have this: Successfully upgraded to version
Thank you all guys

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