Dear PKP Community,
I am using OJS 3.2 and older static pages (pre-hosting migration) are not showing in my static pages section. I also cannot add new static pages to a menu item or change a link to a menu item. When I try to do so, I simply get the same error message and the link does not get registered. I attached a screen shot as an example of the kind of error message I get:

Any help with this/these problem/s would be appreciated. Thank you!
Hi @Cecilea_Mun,
Are you sure you’re using OJS 3.2? That hasn’t been released yet!
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Alec,
My mistake. The version I am using is 3.0. For some reason, however, my Softaculous app installer was showing that the version was 3.2, but then I also received a message that the info was incorrect and update the info, which showed that the version was 3.1.
I also received a message that my MySQL password was wrong, so I changed it, and now, my site is showing a “Database connection failure,” and I have no idea what I am supposed to do to fix he problem.
Can you please help me?
Hi @Cecilea_Mun,
The database credentials in your
configuration file need to match the credentials that are created in MySQL using a GRANT
statement. I suspect they’ve been changed in one place but not the other.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hello Alec,
My site is now up, but I am still having problems with accessing old static pages and linking new pages to a new navigation menu item. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
Hi @Cecilea_Mun,
That’s not related to this existing thread; could you your question as a new topic? That would help keep the forum organized.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hye @asmecher,
Is there a link to that new topic ? After I upgraded from ojs to ojs 3.2 , all my static pages went missing. I used localhost instead for testing to upgrade the ojs version so I’ll include the differences between the original website setting and the localhost one.
I already went through a lot of forum but none seems related to my issue.

Hi @YDPkacak,
See this thread: Upgrade problem OJS to OJS 3.1.2 - #5 by Lazar_Stosic
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Dear @YDPkacak,
your static pages are not missing. You can find it under Settings / Website / Setup / Navigation / Navigation Menu Items

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Thanks, that solved my problem. However, I have one more problem, why my footer does not display the images like my old ojs footer ? The new one I used on my localhost but the old one has it own domain.

Where you added images? From explanation we cannot conclude what you did.
Sorry I didn’t get any notification. However, it is solved when I try it using my real website instead of using localhost but I got a problem here. Why does the author and title appeared like that? @asmecher

Hi @YDPkacak,
Could you post that as a new topic? That’ll help keep the forum organized.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team