Problems Upgrading to Version 2.4.6

I’m trying to upgrade OJS from version 2.4.5 using the full package download. I’ve uploaded the latest application files using FTP-- but have run into problems with the database update. When I run the update script, it returns a blank page.

Also, the installed version in OJS Journal manager is still showing as 2.4.5. Any advice you could offer would be greatly appreciated.


Hi @wrems,

Have you checked your PHP error log to see if anything relevant is included there?

Uploading all the files via FTP is somewhat error-prone; if it’s possible to do this by extracting the archive directly on the server I suspect you’ll have better luck.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi Alec,

Yes… I enabled errors messages in PHP, and I’m getting the following

Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required

Also, I do not have direct access to the server-- so would not be able to extract the files directly. Please let me know if you have any other suggestions.



Hi @wrems,

It sounds to me like you have a plugin installed that’s not compatible with OJS 2.4.6. Have you installed any extra plugins?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi Alan,

Is the import/export plugin compatible with OJS? This seems to be
the only one throwing errors.



Hi @wrems,

Many import/export plugins are included with OJS, and they should be in plugins/importexport. I suspect you’ve got something there that doesn’t come with OJS 2.4.6 that’s causing trouble.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi Alec,

Thanks for the quick response. I removed the “importexport” folder under
plugins-- and uploaded a fresh copy from the current stable release (2.4.6).

Now when I login to Journal manager and select Plugins, I’m getting the
following error:

Fatal error: Class ‘DOIExportPlugin’ not found in /webinfo/vhosts/
on line 28

Please advise.


Hi @wrems,

Can you check that plugins/importexport/medra/classes/ and plugins/importexport/crossref/classes/ contain the code to implement the DOIExportPlugin class?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi Alec,

Thanks. I checked our installation of OJS-- and it looks like the classes
to implement the DOI plugin are missing here:
. Also, I checked the complete distribution of OJS (2.4.6)-- and this file
is also empty.

Where can I find a complete installation package for OJS?


Hi @wrems,

Did you use 7zip to unzip the .tar.gz file? 7zip is known not to properly support links in files. I’d suggest using Winzip or Tar for windows or something similar.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi Alec,

Yes. I'll try WinZip-- and will let you know if I run into any

Thanks again.


I’m getting the same problem but I used git to update the code. I’m upgrading from 2.4.1 para 2.4.8-1.

I noted that many files in git are implemented as a symbolic link, like “…/…/datacite/classes/”. After substituing those files with what it points to I was able to upgrade.

So, is that ok to substitute those files?

Hi @Israel87,

Does your system not support symbolic links?

Replacing the symbolic links with copies of the files should not cause problems.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

I don’t know. I think it does. At least, for me, it didn’t work in my windows and linux enviroment.