Hola tengo un problema ingreso un artículo en el formulario en español guardo los metadatos, ingreso al formulario en el próximo idioma por ejemplo inglés, guardo y cuando ingreso al formulario en español me cambio el idioma a inglés. Alguien ha tenido este problema. ¿Como puedo solucionarlo?. Agradesco por sus respuestas
Hello I have a problem I entered an article in the form in Spanish I keep the metadata, I enter the form in the next language for example English, I keep and when I enter the form in Spanish I change the language to English. Has anyone had this problem. How can I solve that?. I thank you for your answers
Hi @acarrouy,
It sounds like you’re using OJS. What version are you using? (Please include this information in your posts.)
What fields are you trying to enter the data into?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
First thanks for the prompt reply.
I use version Of OJS.
The problem is with the language field of the metadata entry form.
Greetings from Uruguay
Primero gracias por la pronta respuesta.
Utilizo la versión de OJS.
El problema es con el campo idioma del formulario para ingreso de metadatos.
Saludos desde Uruguay
Hi @acarrouy,
I’m not sure I’m following; which field changes unexpectedly to English? If you could provide screenshots, that might help clarify.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Alec, sorry for the delay. The problem with the language change is given
in the Edit Metadata form. Sent the form capture in Spanish that is the
first to be entered. I keep metadata in Spanish “es” and I open the form to
fill it in English “en”, I keep its metadata and when I check the form in
Spanish I notice that I change the language field from “es” to “in”.

Hi @acarrouy,
I’m still not sure I’m following exactly, but only certain fields support entering data in multiple languages – for example, it should be possible to enter article title and abstract in several languages, but other fields like the “Idioma” field wouldn’t make sense to support in multiple languages.
If I’m still not understanding the issue correctly, could you give me a step-by-step list of what you’re doing, and details on where it doesn’t meet your expectations?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Well I try to explain myself better, I am entering articles from a magazine
that are in Spanish and English.
I clarify that the magazine is configured in a way that supports these
First enter the form in Spanish, save its metadata and open the form in
English, fill it and save its metadata, each of these forms must go with
the language field in their respective language. So when the user enters
the magazine in English the table of contents, summary and keyword, it is
deployed in English and if you enter the magazine in Spanish it will be
displayed in that language.
I attach the metadata editing form in Spanish and English, if you look at
page 3 in the Indexing area, both are in Spanish “es”, if I change the form
in English to “en” it also changes it in Spanish to “en”, this was not
I hope I have been a bit more clear.
Hi @acarrouy,
Ah, I think that’s a misunderstanding. That field isn’t intended to be multilingual – if you’re publishing the article fulltext in a single language, enter its code there. If you’re publishing it in multiple languages, leave that field blank.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team