Hello friends,
I am a new user of version 3.0.2
I request your help for a problem when sending the referees the articles.
When I send an article to an Editor, that same notice reaches all publishers. Also, when submitting an article to a publisher, the review forms that are already created are not included in the submission. And I do not quite understand why.
Hi @pacarretero,
Can you describe the notice that reaches all publishers? “Publishers” isn’t a term we use in OJS for user accounts; do you mean for example all editors?
You can choose a review form for assignment when creating a review assignment.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks Alec,
it is fixed. Now I have another problem. When I send to a reviewer the name of the author of the article that we have sent to him appears.
How do I make it disappear to ensure blind review?

Hi @pacarretero,
Can you post your new question as a new topic? That’ll help keep the forum organized.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team