I continue to test OJS 3.2.0-3 before upgrading my journals to this version. I am testing the CrossRef XML Export Plugin and DOAJ Export Plugin.
The search tool for these plugins does not work well for me.
I have marked several articles as “Marked registered”. Then I have done the search and it does not find results.
I have also filtered by issue and there are no results.
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There are no errors or warnings in the php-log
I have activated debug = On to see the queries
For example, when I mark an article as “Marked registered”. The following queries are made in the submission_settings table:
UPDATE submission_settings SET setting_value=‘markedRegistered’ WHERE submission_id=‘65’ and locale=‘’ and setting_name=‘crossref::status’
UPDATE submission_settings SET setting_value=‘10.3989/loquens.2019.059’ WHERE submission_id=‘65’ and locale=‘’ and setting_name=‘crossref::registeredDoi’
When I search for “Marked registered” articles. The query is:
SELECT s.* FROM submissions s LEFT JOIN publications p ON s.current_publication_id = p.publication_id LEFT JOIN publication_settings ps ON
p.publication_id = ps.publication_id LEFT JOIN publication_settings pspidt ON (p.publication_id = pspidt.publication_id) LEFT JOIN publication_settings pss
ON (p.publication_id = pss.publication_id AND pss.setting_name = ‘markedRegistered’) WHERE s.status = 3 AND s.context_id = 1 AND pspidt.setting_name = ‘pub-id::doi’
AND pspidt.setting_value IS NOT NULL AND pss.setting_value = ‘markedRegistered’ GROUP BY s.submission_id ORDER BY MAX(p.date_published) DESC, s.submission_id DESC LIMIT 0,35
If I execute this query directly on my database, it finds no results. In this query I do not see a reference to the “submission_settings” table.
The same happens in the DOAJ Export Plugin
Thank you very much.