In both 3.4.0-5 and 3.4.0-7 the “Make a submission” page header displays properly only in the English version of the system. In the Polish version, there is ##default.submission.step.beforeYouBegin## displayed all the time. The content of /lib/pkp/locale/pl/default.po does not influence the system behavior. Interestingly, the Default Translation Plugin does not work, leaving a bare key on the page. Also, copying English default.po into /lib/pkp/locale/pl/ do not help.
Is this a bug?
Hi @TruePepe,
Have you tried using the Custom Locale plugin?
Or is that the translation plugin that you are referring to?
That might be a better way to go about doing this, if there are just a few keys missing.
PKP Team
Yes, I am using the plugin. The problem is there is no missing key, Custom Locale properly sees the key:
The problem is, the text from the key do not appear in the system.
And language files work properly systemwide, only in this one place not.
Hi @TruePepe,
Okay - thanks for clarifying. Not sure what’s occurring here, but I’ll see if one of our team members can have a look when they have an opportunity.
Also: would you mind indicating which version of the plugin you’re using? It might be worth trying to upgrade the plugin if you’re not running the latest version.
PKP Team
Thanks, Roger, my Custom Locale Plugin is v., the current one, I guess. I have checked the error logs and it looks like nothing is thrown.
Hi @TruePepe,
I wonder if you’re encountering a caching problem. Try manually removing the cache files (cache/opcache/*
) and ensure that the file permissions are such that OJS can create new files there. If that doesn’t help, how did you install the plugins you’re using? Through the plugin gallery, or another way?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Dear Alec,
I have noticed that the system reads the key from the cache. My first thought was, that that kay is missing in the translation, so I have used grep to search through files and got cache. Each time I tried to change anything, I removed opcache and loaded the submission page. Nothing. I have three journals on OJS, on two different hostings, and the problem exists on one of them. Journals are served by two separate OJS systems to keep user pools separated. On one of the hostings, everything works perfectly, but on the second one, the problem exists. Plugins are installed using Plugin Gallery.
Hi @TruePepe,
Is it possible that you have a typo in one of your .po
files? (Do you see the missing key successfully compiled into one of the opcache files for all the languages you expect?)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Dear Alec,
I have the same idea, so I have copied the English .po file into /pl catalog, and nothing. So I have copied the Polish .po into lib/pkp/locale/en directory and still, there is an English text displayed! Like it comes from somewhere else, but grep shows default.submission.step.beforeYouBegin key only in this file.