Hello all,
I’m not sure how to explain this problem because I don’t know what happened. I was editing the theme’s css file via Putty (using the VIM command). Everything was working fine until, somehow, Putty no longer recognized the ESC key.
After trying to fix that issue, unsuccessfully, I changed Putty keyboard settings to Linux, so I can use F1-F5 to ESC (exits editing mode and goes to first line… boring).
After fixing all the messed up text added while trying to ESC, saving the CSS, now it is not being rendered…
What is this???
Ramón Martins Sodoma da Fonseca
Coordenador de Editoração
Portaria N 46, de 30 de Abril de 2014
Analista em Ciência e Tecnologia
Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia/IBICT
Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação/MCTi
SAUS - Setor de Autarquias Sul
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