Hi, I’m having a couple of problems with processing article references with CMA (Citation Markup Assistant).
- It doesn’t show all references in left window.
As you can('t) see, after reference 19 there are about 50 more entries.
- For some reason Bug 6712 doesn’t affect our process, citations are saved and we can process them manually and they stay processed after refresh.
Problem is that non of citation export plugins and Citation services are working, I tried to activate all of them but all i get are errors
Please note (click on messages to dismiss them):The citation contains unsaved data. Please click the “Save” button to keep the changes or the “Cancel” button to undo the changes.Several citation services did not return any results. You can try to manually edit citation fields and then query citation services again to improve results. If this doesn’t help then the citation does not exist in any of the connected databases.The FreeCite’s web service call has returned an error when called with the following URL: http://freecite.library.brown.edu/citations/create. It may be that the web service is temporarily unavailable. You’ll still be able to work with the remaining services and save your results. You can also try again later. If the error persists then please ask the journal manager to deactivate this service and open a bug report.The ParsCit’s web service call has returned an error when called with the following URL: http://aye.comp.nus.edu.sg/parsCit/parsCit.cgi. It may be that the web service is temporarily unavailable. You’ll still be able to work with the remaining services and save your results. You can also try again later. If the error persists then please ask the journal manager to deactivate this service and open a bug report.Several citation services did not return any results. You can try to manually edit citation fields and then query citation services again to improve results. If this doesn’t help then the citation does not exist in any of the connected databases.The CrossRef’s web service call has returned an error when called with the following URL: http://www.crossref.org/openurl/?pid=igor.lekic@ff.uns.ac.rs&noredirect=true&format=unixref&url_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:journal&rft.aulast=Zrinščak, S., Lakoš, I., Handy, F., Cnaan, R., Brudney, J. L., Haski-Leventhal, D., Yamauchi, N.&rft.jtitle=Revija za socijalnu politiku&rft.atitle=Volontiranje studenata u Zagrebu u komparativnom kontekstu&rft.date=2012&rft.volume=19&rft.spage=25&rft.epage=48. It may be that the web service is temporarily unavailable. You’ll still be able to work with the remaining services and save your results. You can also try again later. If the error persists then please ask the journal manager to deactivate this service and open a bug report.The PubMed’s web service call has returned an error when called with the following URL: http://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/esearch.fcgi?db=pubmed&tool=pkp-wal&term=Zrinščak, S., Lakoš, I., Handy, F., Cnaan, R., Brudney, J. L., Haski-Leventhal, D., Yamauchi, N.&email=knjigor@gmail.com. It may be that the web service is temporarily unavailable. You’ll still be able to work with the remaining services and save your results. You can also try again later. If the error persists then please ask the journal manager to deactivate this service and open a bug report.The PubMed’s web service call has returned an error when called with the following URL: http://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/esearch.fcgi?db=pubmed&tool=pkp-wal&term=Volontiranje studenata u Zagrebu u komparativnom kontekstu&email=knjigor@gmail.com. It may be that the web service is temporarily unavailable. You’ll still be able to work with the remaining services and save your results. You can also try again later. If the error persists then please ask the journal manager to deactivate this service and open a bug report.
As I can see, plugins doesn’t get response from services, and I suspect that problem is a fact that our server is behind proxy and that it blocks connections. I have setup proxy in config.inc.php and every thing else is working fine.
- How to check if ParaCite plugin is configured correctly (I have installed perl, cpan and Biblio::Citation::Parser and Text::Unidecode and configured perl in config.inc.php).
Our OJS version is 2.4.7-1