Hi! There is a problem with the payment plugin in manual mode. Make an attempt as a reader to buy access to the article. Click on the “Send notification”. If I understand correctly, in the tab /subscriptionManager/viewPayments should receive my payment. But this tab is all empty. Can you please tell what could be wrong?
Table completed_payments is empty.
Hi @Den,
There are a couple of things that you can check on to try to figure out why the payments aren’t going through. One thing to note is that with a manual payment, if a user chooses the manual payment option, the payment doesn’t automatically go through because there is no way for the system to verify that the payment was received by you. Instead, you have to go to the “Awaiting manual payment” page (not "View payments) and manually mark the fees as paid after you receive them. After that the fees will show on the “View payments” page.
Another possibility is that you missed a step in setting up the manual payment option. It is a multi-step process where you enable fee payments, choose manual as a fee payment method, and enter information about currency and what can be purchased with manual fees. If the above doesn’t answer your question, you could check these settings again.
Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks for the reply. It seems I have a problem with the purchase of a specific article. I have a price for individual journal issue and article. But no record in the system about the purchased articles. Comes only notice in the mail. But to open the reader to access a particular article there must be some mechanism administrator?
What needs to be done to present the opportunity to buy the reader article? Payment method: manual
Hi @Den,
On further consultation with the PKP Team I learned that it’s not possible in OJS to manually associate an article or an issue with a user who has paid via a manual method, like there is for a journal subscription. This should be made clear in the software and the documentation. I am sorry for the inconvenience.
Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @Den,
Can you clarify why you’re using the manual payment plugin? For example, is PayPal not available where you publish?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Unfortunately we can’t use PayPal.
Hi @Den,
Is the issue geographic, or something else? Is there another payment provider that you can use?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team