Problem with google scholar indexing for

Describe the issue or problem
My journal is not indexed by Google Scholar.

Steps I took leading up to the issue
I have enabled google scholar plugin. From Google Search console i have uploaded the sitemap and there it shows statistics but still when i enter in google scholar search it returns the following:
Your search - - did not match any articles.
No pages were found containing “”.

**What application are you usin
OJS 3.3.1

Additional information
the journal domain name has changed from to
Any help will be highle appreciated

Hi @sohailkmu,

As some first steps, you may wish to try some of the troubleshooting advice found here:

Also, it can take up to several months for journals to appear in Google Scholar, so you may have to wait a little while depending on when you signed up. And, there is no version of OJS that is 3.3.1, so you may wish to check your version number.

PKP Team

@asmecher Kindly guide about this issue.

Thanks alot for your kind response. the ojs version is
I ve already gone through the steps mentioned by you.
change of domain name has caused this issue. with older domain name it was working.

Hi. Has your problem been fixed? I think Google has stated if the underlying issues are fixed the journal should get indexed in a maximum of a few months (4 or 6 I think).
I am also having a similar problem with a website I am maintaining, and it has not been indexed for more than 100 days

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