Problem with first name displaying in citation by default.
The first name in citation on Bulgarian locale is not visible, in English all is OK. This is only in default screen - you can see ( ?). If choice is ABNT ot other standard, all is OK.
In ver. 3.0.1 all is working. The error is in 3.0.2 version only.
May be it is Error in some bg_BG Locale, but i cant find.
Can you help me to find this bug.
I think this is a problem of error in any of the files for translation,
but i don’t find where is it, because the translator plugin don’t report errors.
The problem is in APA citation format. Normally ABNT is the first in the order.
When i use BG Locale, ABNT is in the bottom, APA is default. The proplem persist and in v 3.0.1 and in v 3.0.2.
APA is not workink and in your site. There is no differences between ABNT and APA citate style in ru_RU locale ( ising Русский ). I think that CBE is not working too in Russian language ( In Bulgarian too).
Can i reorder the citation formats, ant ABNT to go on the top?
This is enough for me. We use usually ABNT format.
When I delete APA plugin format all is OK, but next in order is unusable for us format.
I can see that in end HTML it have ordering of the formats and in BG locale APA is default. In other languages, APA is second, ABNT is first.
The problem with APA and CBE is that you just cannot switch to them at all. I think, it is a bug.
But still we do not have that issue with not displaying the first name.
I found that ordering of citation formats (see picture on top) is related with the names of Citation Formats, defined in locale.xml in related language in directory - for example … ojs / plugins / citationFormats / apa / locale / bg_BG / locale.xml with the key:
“plugins.citationFormats.apa.displayName”. In en_US is " APA plugin format citation"
The first word in the message - in this case “APA” is leading for alphabetical ordering for initial displaying of citation formats.
During the translation I typed Cyrillic text that does not start with “APA” in English.
Once I set “APA” in English in the begining of the text and ordering was done properly. ( APA is not first)
That that APA format is problematic remains, but at least visualization is correct …
Well, what about file names? In your example in case of English version of the journal site citation files have correct names, i.e. The-Lost-Tribe-of-Ethnomethodology.ris, The-Lost-Tribe-of-Ethnomethodology.bib. But in Russian version file names are replaced with – (–.ris, --.bib), which is really inconvenient. Is there any solution for the problem?