Problem trying to view an XML galley.- OJS 3.3


I have been testing Texture (GitHub - pkp/texture: Texture JATS XML editor integration for OJS) and DOCX to JATS XML Converter (GitHub - Vitaliy-1/docxConverter: Plugin for OJS 3 that parses DOCX and converts it to JATS XML format) plugins. With the first one I have managed to edit a blank XML file, adding text, headers and images, and saving the changes correctly. With the second, I was able to convert a file with an article in MS Word format to XML, and then I was able to edit it with Texture.

However, when I download either one and then upload it as a galley proof of an article, I can’t see it. When clicking the XML button on the corresponding article, the page doesn’t finish loading and always says “loading article”.

I have done the test on three different OJS sites (version one of them, and the other two) on different servers, and the result has been the same.

Am I doing something wrong? Do I have to install another plugin to be able to display the XML proof?

I would appreciate any help.


Hi @avasquezd,

You have the eLens viewer plugin installed, do you?
And what version of that plugin are you using?

PKP Team

Hi, @rcgillis, thanks for your response.

When you say eLens, you mean eLife Lens?, is it the same?The version I am using is I see it in the file: version.xml in lensGalley\ folder. Is there another way to see what version I am using?


Le recomiendo en ves de texture usar Scielo Markup para generar xml jast y funciona bien en los OJS, en you tube hay muchos videos tutoriales

Yes - sorry I messed up the name - its eLife Lens. Usually, you can see the version in the plugin gallery too, but the version.xml should work.

PKP Team

Ok, thank you, @rcgillis


Muchas gracias, @JairPadilla. Lo probaré.
