Problem to enter web with or without "www" in OJS 3.3.0-11

Problem entering the web with or without “www” in OJS 3.3.0-11

The URL of my OJS installation only allows viewing of the journal content when “www” is not included in the URL (works perfect)

But when I add “www” it gives an error message: 400 Bad Request

The digital certificate (SSL) is correct and includes the domain with and without “www”.

In other journal urls with previous OJS versions that we have (3.3.0-8, 3.3.0-7) everything is perfect (it allows using URLs with and without “www” but with version 3.3.0-11 the problem appears.

As a workaround edit the OJS system configuration file ( by adding “www” in allowed_hosts:

; allowed_hosts = ‘[“myjournal.tld”, “anotherjournal.tld”, “mylibrary.tld”]’
allowed_hosts = “[""]”

But now it allows me to enter the magazine only with
When trying to enter with the error appears: 400 Bad Request

Is there a way for OJS 3.3.0-11 that will allow me to access the OJS website with or without “www”?

What is the cause of this error?

I appreciate any help

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I fixed the problem by adding “” in allowed_host in line 96 of the file

; allowed_hosts = ‘[“myjournal.tld”, “anotherjournal.tld”, “mylibrary.tld”]’
allowed_hosts = “["", ""]”

Is this correct way to solve the problem to access the OJS site with and without “www”?

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Yes, this is correct. You need to list all domains. But to enclose the array you should use single quotes.


It’s okay. thank you very much for your help!

I followed your advice “use single quotes”:

allowed_hosts = ‘[“”, “”]’

Thanks @mpbraendle !

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Thank You both, It solved my similar issue of and