Problem sending the validate account e-mail

Hello All,

Some weeks ago we upgraded our OJS from 3.1.2 to, and it’s working mostly fine, but one thing we noticed is that when I set require_validation = On in the e-mails are not sent. This is strange since the other e-mails are working.

Looking into apache’s error_log, every time I try to create an account, there is this “Message body empty” message.

Then my next step was to check the e-mail templates, and while the “Validate Your Account” template is there, the template for pt_BR (brazilian portuguese) does not exist (screenshots attached). This is also strange, since my locale/pt_BR/emails.po exists and has the translations for emails.userValidate.subject, emails.userValidate.body and emails.userValidate.description.

I suspect this has to do with incorrect locale settings. Something like this:

That I already corrected, as our installed_locales and supported_locales were [“pt_BR”,“en_US”,“es_ES”,“fr_CA”].

So, where should I look next? Any suggestions?



Hello All,

In case anyone has the same problem, the solution I found is here:

  • Log in as site administrator,
  • Navigate to Settings > Website > Languages,
  • For each language you intend to send this template with, use the “Reload defaults” tool.

Of course people here will have to check the e-mail templates…

