Problem sending email with OJS after SMTP settings
For quite some time, we are facing a strange problem. The email system of OJS is not working properly. What I mean to say is, that some of the emails are being delivered to the end users but some kind of emails are not being delivered. I don’t know how to resolve this issue. I am using SMTP settings (see below) in config file to send emails. I received “Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender” message as following;
message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:
host []
SMTP error from remote mail server after end of data:
550-5.7.1 [ 12] Our system has detected that this message is
550-5.7.1 likely unsolicited mail. To reduce the amount of spam sent to Gmail,
550-5.7.1 this message has been blocked. Please visit
550 5.7.1 for more information. w2si4271202wrc.378 - gsmtp
Action: failed
Final-Recipient: rfc822;
Status: 5.0.0
Remote-MTA: dns;
Diagnostic-Code: smtp; 550-5.7.1 [ 12] Our system has detected that this message is
550-5.7.1 likely unsolicited mail. To reduce the amount of spam sent to Gmail,
550-5.7.1 this message has been blocked. Please visit
550 5.7.1 for more information. w2si4271202wrc.378 - gsmtp
; Use SMTP for sending mail instead of mail()**
smtp = On
; SMTP server settings
smtp_server =
smtp_port = 25
; Force the default envelope sender (if present)
; This is useful if setting up a site-wide noreply address
; The reply-to field will be set with the reply-to or from address.
; force_default_envelope_sender = Off
; Enable SMTP authentication
; Supported mechanisms: PLAIN, LOGIN, CRAM-MD5, and DIGEST-MD5
smtp_auth = PLAIN
smtp_username =
smtp_password = *******
; Allow envelope sender to be specified
; (may not be possible with some server configurations)
allow_envelope_sender = On
; Default envelope sender to use if none is specified elsewhere
default_envelope_sender =
; Enable attachments in the various “Send Email” pages.
; (Disabling here will not disable attachments on features that
; require them, e.g. attachment-based reviews)
enable_attachments = On
; Amount of time required between attempts to send non-editorial emails
; in seconds. This can be used to help prevent email relaying via OJS.
time_between_emails = 3600
; Maximum number of recipients that can be included in a single email
; (either as To:, Cc:, or Bcc: addresses) for a non-priveleged user
max_recipients = 10
; If enabled, email addresses must be validated before login is possible.
require_validation = Off
; Maximum number of days before an unvalidated account expires and is deleted
validation_timeout = 14