Problem Search with discipline is not working

I am the OJS administrator of an university, I have the following problem: When I try to search by discipline I get 8 results but when I review articles and indexing must get at least 71 results. When increasing the configuration parameter results_per_keyword the search works well but do not understand why being 500 generates only 8 results?

Hi @leoto17,

The results_per_keyword doesn’t correspond strictly to the number of results returned on the search form; it’s used internally in the search algorithm to balance accuracy against system requirements. If increasing the number appears to resolve the issue that’s not a bad solution. If you want more powerful searching, consider using Lucene/SOLR; there’s a plugin included with OJS, but you’ll need to run the service on your server.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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I was trying several things that worked for me in my OJS for testing as increasing the number of results by keyword and eliminate the LIMIT of the SQL query in file ArticleSearchDAO but when I implemented this in the real OJS does not work. Could you give me some advice or tell me what to do or check ? Thank you

Hi @leoto17,

Did you remember to clear your data cache between tries? Search queries are cached for 24 hours (IIRC). You might also try rebuilding your search index using tools/rebuildSearchIndex.php.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thanks for your answers but I find the problem reviewing the data base, some article_search_objects have associated object of article_search_object_keywords and when I search these articles are in results, some articles are in article_search_objetcs but this object_id are not in article_search_object_keywords and this is the problem, do you know how I can solve it or how find these articles with problems in data base?

Hi @leoto17,

Did you rebuild the search index and flush the data cache per my suggestion above?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team