Hi, can anyone help me with this problem. So I have an article on http://jurnalbhumi.stpn.ac.id/index.php/JB/article/view/383/330
but the PDF file is not displayed (picture 1), when I check the path in the ojs-data/journals/1/articles/383/public file available on the server (picture 2). In the editor menu there is also the file (picture 3)
this problem is described here PDF error: Stream must have data
and second question you have merge public and files directive in config.inc.php?
all permissions are correct?
Configuration is appropriate, I try to delete PDF through the editor menu and check the file on the server is still there, then the article file on my server is deleted then re-upload it again through the editor menu, PDF can be displayed properly.
Those are different file IDs, so actually totally different files. It seems as though the new file is simply missing. I would suggest putting a copy of the right file in the new location.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team