Greetings friends,
When I load an XML file it stays loading forever
Greetings friends,
When I load an XML file it stays loading forever
Hi @pacarretero,
Have you validated your XML against the JATS schema? If you haven’t, please do so.
If you have, but the XML is still not presenting, you may need to update the version of the Lens Reader that your installation of OJS uses. We’re hesitating to do this in the distribution, however, as the latest Lens reader does not include mobile support. See Update Lens Reader to final 2.0 release (or latest) · Issue #9 · asmecher/lensGalley · GitHub
for details.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Just replying on this thread. We upload the CrossRef XML as our XML’s. Is there any way to have this not be set to JATS?
Hi @NadineWubbeling,
The Lens galley plugin strictly requires JATS and won’t work with another XML dialect, I’m afraid.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Dear @asmecher so we cannot add any other XML’s? Is there a way to paypass the Lens galley plugin and have the XML downloaded as just a file format? We would not want to lose all our XMLs?
Hi @asmecher. I actually found the plugin and disabled it. At this stage we publish our CrossRef XML for harvesters. Creating the JATS XML is in our future plans. We experimented with your converter actually already. But thanks for the help. I will keep you posted on our progress with the JATS XML.