Authors are facing problem in uploading there content (manuscript).
As a Editor I have also tried but everytime it says no content uploaded.
How to solve the problem?
There may be an issue with permissions for writing to the upload directories in the server configuration. These two links might help:
Also, the error is probably visible in the server’s access log and/or error log. Depending on the software you use, they can be found in /var/log in a subdirectory named httpd, apache2 or similar. The relevant lines will then contain information where the error comes from. Each line starts with date and time of the logged action.
Dear Friend,
I have checked the links provided. While trying to see the system information from site administration page, it returns a blank page. I could not able to get the information on SERVER API as suggested in the thread.
Can you help me solve it?
Hi @drvenkatesanj,
Check your server’s error log; usually if there’s a blank page, then an error message will be logged there.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Dear Alec,
I have asked my hosting service provider (NET4India) to check the error log in the server. But everytime they are asking me to send the error message. But we are not getting any error message actually. What exactly I should advise them so that they can help me to solve this problem. Kindly guide me.
Hi @drvenkatesanj,
Usually your hosting provider will give you access to the error logs through your CPanel login; I can’t comment on individual providers.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks Alec,
But in our case they are not providing Cpanel based hosting service.
I bit confused how to make them understand our problem.
Hi @drvenkatesanj,
error logs are usually ordered by timestamps. You could try to upload something so that the error is triggered and then provide that timespan to your hoster. This could make it easier for them to find the required portions of the log file.