I have an OJS site
I deleted my site and reinstalled it and imported old site database and files to new site
I have a problem. I can not login in my site. I used reset password, but it didn’t work.
Any user/pass don’t work
Can anyone help me?
First check your config.inc.php to see if the hashing mechanism is different than expected (md5 vs sha).
force_login_ssl = Off
; This check will invalidate a session if the user's IP address changes.
; Enabling this option provides some amount of additional security, but may
; cause problems for users behind a proxy farm (e.g., AOL).
session_check_ip = On
; The encryption (hashing) algorithm to use for encrypting user passwords
; Valid values are: md5, sha1
; Note that sha1 requires PHP >= 4.3.0
encryption = md5
; The unique salt to use for generating password reset hashes
salt = "YouMustSetASecretKeyHere!!"
; The number of seconds before a password reset hash expires (defaults to 7200 / 2 hours)
reset_seconds = 7200
; Allowed HTML tags for fields that permit restricted HTML.
; For PHP 5.0.5 and greater, allowed attributes must be specified individually
; e.g. <img src|alt> to allow "src" and "alt" attributes. Unspecified
If this has not changed from the old configuration to the new configuration, what what the version of the old OJS instance? What is the version of the new install?
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I checked config.inc.php and in twice files (old and new) encryption = md5
Our old version was ojs-2_4_6-0
Our new website version is ojs-2_4_8-0
My site was down last week. So I deleted my site information. Then I installed new OJS version
and in cpanel, I imported old site database. After this step, I saw that I can not login to the
site. Also I replaced old site files and images in new sites.
I try to use reset password section. but it don’t work. I tested some users and passwords, but
they don’t work.
Did you remember to run the upgrade process after importing your database into the new version?
"PATCH_FILE" should be replaced with the path to the patch file that was
downloaded, e.g. "6276-ojs.patch".
Upgrading the OJS database
After obtaining the latest OJS code, an additional script must be run to
complete the upgrade process by upgrading the OJS database and potentially
executing additional upgrade code.
This script can be executed from the command-line or via the OJS web interface.
1. Command-line
If you have the CLI version of PHP installed (e.g., /usr/bin/php), you can
upgrade the database as follows:
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Thank you
I didn’t do it
I changed “installed = On” to “installed = Off”
but how “Run the following command from the OJS directory (not including the $):
$ php tools/upgrade.php upgrade”
I don’t know how do it
After obtaining the latest OJS code, an additional script must be run to
complete the upgrade process by upgrading the OJS database and potentially
executing additional upgrade code.
This script can be executed from the command-line or via the OJS web interface.
If you have the CLI version of PHP installed (e.g., /usr/bin/php), you can
upgrade the database as follows:
Edit config.inc.php and change “installed = On” to “installed = Off”
Run the following command from the OJS directory (not including the $):
$ php tools/upgrade.php upgrade
Re-edit config.inc.php and change “installed = Off” back to
“installed = On”
i also cannot do that. what i do is after changed the installed=On to installed=Off.
got to the ojs site and there will be an upgrade option.
i upgrade from 2.2.4 to 2.4.8.
make sure you follow the instruction properly
Dear Mr. Graham and Dear Mr. Arshad
Thanks very much.
Problem solved
God bless you!