November 30, 2016, 9:02pm
We have 2 problem after upgrading to OJS 3.01 and then new them of bootstrap3.
1- Page for download PDF is like this
2- In registration form Recaptcha dose not showing. after changing theme to the default them that will be ok.
December 1, 2016, 12:21am
Are you using the newest bootstrap 3 theme?
This link may be useful regarding the theme
Now that OJS 3 is available I’ve prepared version 1.0 of the community-organised Bootstrap 3 theme.
You can download the theme and read the installation instructions.
What is it?
Bootstrap 3 is a popular HTML/CSS/JavaScript framework for building websites. The Bootstrap 3 theme is a community effort to maintain an OJS 3 theme that implements bootstrap components, so that developers can take advantage of existing resources to rapidly customise the design of their OJS 3 journal.
Read about the…
I had the same problem with OJS 3.0.0, but pdf page was with big blank field on half of display. Therefore decided not to use Bootstrap :).
Hi @novikoffav ,
I think that’s already been resolved – see PDF viewer uses only half of screen height · Issue #34 · NateWr/bootstrap3 · GitHub .
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
December 1, 2016, 3:45pm
Hi Kawahyu
I’m using latest version of OJS and bootstrap3
v1.0.1 of the Bootstrap 3
and OJS v3.0.1
Thank You
December 7, 2016, 11:45am
It looks like this is due to a changed class name in a submodule that didn’t get picked up in my development setup. I’ve flagged this issue to fix in a future update.
In the meantime, you can fix this by editing the following in line /plugins/themes/bootstrap3/styles/bootstrap.less :
.header_view_pdf {
It should be:
.header_view {
You’ll need to recompile the CSS code which you can do by going to Administration > Clear Template Cache.
I haven’t tested the PDF issue as we are yet to publish our first issue. However, I can confirm that reCaptcha is not visible in latest bootstrap 3 theme and current OJS version (3.0.1.) as of now.
I am reverting back to default theme.