Hi @asmecher,
I have a problem that I expect you can help me.
When I look for a plugin in the Plugin Gallery it always appears nothing. It always says “No items”.
I send you the logs received when I try to search for a plugin in the plugin gallery.
It always says “No Items”.
And the logs in my php.log are:
[Mon Nov 25 11:39:40.320562 2019] [php7:warn] [pid 48056] [client 192.168.xx:53031] PHP Warning: fsockopen(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Nombre o servicio desconocido in /home/ojs/lib/pkp/classes/file/wrappers/HTTPFileWrapper.inc.php on line 77, referer: https://xx/index.php/Quodlibet/management/settings/website
[Mon Nov 25 11:39:40.320675 2019] [php7:warn] [pid 48056] [client 192.168.xxx:53031] PHP Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to ssl://pkp.sfu.ca:443 (php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Nombre o servicio desconocido) in /home/ojs/lib/pkp/classes/file/wrappers/HTTPFileWrapper.inc.php on line 77, referer: https://xxx/index.php/Quodlibet/management/settings/website
[Mon Nov 25 11:39:40.320712 2019] [php7:warn] [pid 48056] [client 192.168.xxx:53031] PHP Warning: DOMDocument::loadXML(): Empty string supplied as input in /home/ojs/lib/pkp/classes/plugins/PluginGalleryDAO.inc.php on line 57, referer: https://xxx/index.php/Quodlibet/management/settings/website
It appears that your server is firewalled, proxied, or otherwise unable to directly contact the PKP server (pkp.sfu.ca) in order to fetch the list of plugins that are available in the Plugin Gallery.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Now proxy is configured in files, such as, yum.conf, wgetrc and config.inc.php.
Could you tell me what url that proxy should allowed or what I need to configure?
PHP Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to ssl://pkp.sfu.ca:443 (php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Nombre o servicio desconocido) in /home/ojs/lib/pkp/classes/file/wrappers/HTTPFileWrapper.inc.php on line 77, referer: https://xxx/index.php/Quodlibet/management/settings/website
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
No. There’s no message before.
If I’m on the plugin gallery screen and search a plugin (subscription block), just like I show you on the picture:
The only log I get in my log file (/var/log/httpd/ojs_ssl_error.log) is:
[Wed Apr 15 10:17:10.381638 2020] [php7:warn] [pid 35424] [client x.x.x.x:36968] PHP Warning: DOMDocument::loadXML(): Empty string supplied as input in /home/ojs/lib/pkp/classes/plugins/PluginGalleryDAO.inc.php on line 57, referer: https://xxxx/index.php/Quodlibet/management/settings/website
Your wget command above suggests that you do have a proxied connection… See this Stackoverflow thread for some examples of where that configuration could be coming from. Make sure to mirror the same proxy configuration in your OJS configuration file.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team