Privacy Consent Checkbox hidden Submission Page

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This has been reported for ops 3.3, but may well apply to ojs and omp as well:
In some settings the privacy consent checkbox (first submission wizard page) is set to “display: none”.
Exploring the css I found the follwing entry:

#privacyConsent, [href=""] {
  display: none !important;

Has anyone experienced such a phenomenon? Any idea where this comes from?

We observed this on one firefox browser version 115.14.0esr (64-Bit), but not on another. We did not observe it on chrome so far.



Hi @felixhelix,

I’m not aware of any integration with that toolbar into OJS; I wonder whether it’s being brought in via .htaccess rules, or maybe a PHP auto_prepend_file script?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thanks for your suggestions @asmecher:
I checked both and could not find anything extraordinary.
The strange thing is, that I checked it in parallel with a colleague applying the same browser version and the same user account, and while I could see the checkbox, he could not.
My ideas is that it is some kind of cross-site css, or it is inserted by a browser plugin.

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