Preservation in PKP PN
Preservation shown pending in all issue, only in 3 issue it show completed.
Please guide us. When it will be completed?
I think more than 2 years it will shown same (pending).
What application are you using?
OJS version: 3.3.0-8
Most of the issues are preserved, you can also see the status here:
As I said before, I recommend you to upgrade your OJS (at least to the latest release of the LTS version) and the plugin too.
A lot of fixes have been done on both, including security issues.
Jonas Raoni
If you want a global status from our side, we received 112 deposits from your journal:
- 2 deposits failed to be downloaded.
- 3 deposits failed on the XML validation (perhaps it will be fixed after you upgrade your OJS and resend).
- Everything else is already preserved.
After you upgrade the plugin, I think you’ll be able to see the real status of the deposits.
So, I’ll close this issue.
Jonas Raoni