I have another question, i played the every roles for testing the OJS.
If i was an author, i submitted article,
editor received my submission,
editor decided that author must to prepare article by journal proposition exactly,
email was send by OJS in Pre-Review Discussions,
author received my instructions,
but how authors can re-upload new version of article in doc file?
Hi @Lukas_Hleba,
After the submission process is over, the author can’t alter the list of submission files. If a pre-review discussion results in a new draft, however, they could ask the editor to upload one of the discussion files as a revision to the original submission file.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you very much, i solved this problem, i declined unprepared articles and authors must to create new submission.
Hello, I have the same problem, since the author uploaded the file only in the reply to the discussion. Is your solution to delete the article uploaded by the author and let the author reupload again?
Hi @mujiec,
The Editor can upload the revised file to replace the original submission file.
Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team
Dear colleagues,
I tried to install immersion plugin, but it did not work. When I click the OK button, nothing was happen. What was wrong?