Could you please post in the FAQs section quick instructions for how to find what version of OJS a system is running? Thank you.
Hi @achristian,
See here: How do I determine my PKP software's version?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Alex,
I am unable to reply to this in the forum because it’s marked “closed,” but wanted to let you know that neither one of your options works for me. The command line — running from where? If I run it at my laptop PHP isn’t running. And as far as clicking on “Administrator” after logging in — where? That’s not a menu choice that I can find when logged in as Administrator (at least, when I’m logged in with the only user ID I have).
Hi @achristian,
To get command-line access, you’ll typically have to have SSH access to your server.
Can you post a screenshot of your Dashboard or User Home? (Anonymize anything private before posting.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
We’re at version 2.7.? and it’s hosted by you folks.
Hi @achristian,
Ah! Since you’re hosting with us, you can file tickets directly with the hosting team by emailing That appears to be OJS 2.4.7-1.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I’ll do that—thanks!