We are using ojs3.2.1-1 version, the PlumX plugging was installed but we haven’t idea where put the code for setup it, ¿anyboby can help us?
We are using ojs3.2.1-1 version, the PlumX plugging was installed but we haven’t idea where put the code for setup it, ¿anyboby can help us?
Hi @cridum,
The Github page for the plugin gives some instructions for installing via git: GitHub - ulsdevteam/ojs-plum-plugin: Plum Analytics plugin for PKP Open Journal Systems
However, according to the plugin gallery: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pkp/plugin-gallery/master/plugins.xml (if you search for “Plum” you can see the versions of OJS that the plugin is compatible with - that particular plugin has only been tested for OJS 3.1, so it is possible it may not work with OJS 3.2.
Manual installation via the filesystem (as well as via git) is also documented in that “Configuration” section of the README.
We’ve recently confirmed internally that the Plum Analytics plugin v1.3.0-1 should be compatible with OJS 3.2.x. We’ll be updating the Plugin Galley soon.