Is it normal when I click the plugin Gallery to be empty “No Items”?
It’s also normal for OJS 3.1? I can’t find any plugin in the gallery. Thanks for help.
No, in 3.1 it should be working. What exactly do you do and do you see any error messages when calling the plugin gallery page?
Hi @bozana,
I hadn’t any error message in my Debugger when I was calling the plugin gallery. That’s curious, and that’s why I’m wondering. I only found this message in my JS-Debugger, but I can’t interpret this:
Error: Promised response from onMessage listener at @moz-extension://bc5abafe-954c-483b-b701-b335864e98df/scripts/services/ExtensionMessagingService.js:85:9 went out of scope
Thanks for help,
And any PHP errors, in the apache/PHP error log file?
No Sorry. Not PHP or apache Error. All fine…
@bozana I make a general observation. My OJS can’t get in contact with all outside connections tools (like the update tool or the PayPal PlugIn). Do you mean it could be a general server problem?
Thanks for the help!
I think allow_url_fopen
should be active/enabled in the php.ini
– the plugin gallery tries to read an XML file from the remote URL and therefor fopen
function is used that requires allow_url_fopen
. So you could maybe check for that.
(Also, somehow strange that no error occurs, maybe you could somehow test if the error logging is working correctly…)