I would like to know if soon there will be a plugin to export and import towards scielo, or if someone has done it by github
I have OJS 3.1
PS: sorry for my English
@alexxxmendonca might have some pointers here.
Last I heard, I think SciELO Cuba worked on a plugin that seemingly did that but I work for SciELO Brazil and we never tested that plugin ourselves and it’s been a while since I last heard of it (I can’t even point to a link).
Besides, as of lately SciELO has been publishing its contents following the SciELO Publishing Schema DTD. Half of the countries of the SciELO Network are already following that DTD and soon the other half will follow. I don’t think that plugin is in compliance with SciELO Publishing Schema.
SciELO Brazil is not working on a plugin and I haven’t heard of other initiatives.
Texture might help but it’s still in development stage. You can read more about Texture here: https://elifesciences.org/labs/8de87c33/texture-an-open-science-manuscript-editor Portuguese version: http://blog.scielo.org/blog/2017/08/02/texture-um-editor-de-manuscritos-cientificos-aberto-publicado-originalmente-no-periodico-elife-em-julho2017/
Thank you!
I will search more info about SciELO Cuba