PKP Usage statistics report missing in OJS 3.1.1-4


DELETE FROM `ojs`.`versions` WHERE `versions`.`major` = 1 AND `versions`.`minor` = 0 AND `versions`.`revision` = 0 AND `versions`.`build` = 0 AND `versions`.`date_installed` = '2018-01-26 13:31:16' AND `versions`.`current` = 1 AND `versions`.`product_type` = 'plugins.generic' AND `versions`.`product` = 'usageStats' AND `versions`.`product_class_name` = '' AND `versions`.`lazy_load` = 0 AND `versions`.`sitewide` = 1 LIMIT 1 

Visit section module before, and then visit tools…


I have the same problem but in version 3.1.2 and the solutions here are not working. I am running OJS 3.1.2 updated from updated from 2.4.8 I have PHP 7.2.14 and MySQL Database 5.6.43 The plugin in present in my ftp and the reports plugins are too only the usage statistics plugin is missing from my plugin list thus I am not able to activate my stats for my readers to see.
Please help solve this issue!

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Hi all,
same problem here, where we are testing Open Journal Systems migrated from a 2.4.8-5

I have an error 500 with PKP Usage statistics report

In the DB we have only one row
plugins.generic usageStats UsageStatsPlugin
while in a previous test (on OJS3.0) we had two

It’s seems a bit confused situation, what could be the solution?

Thank you

Hello @jideg, did you find any solution?
thanks, andrea

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